Abiodun Adedapo


About Me

Goal-driven professional with a multifarious background in web design, frontend and backend development, responsive mobile-first programming for static and dynamically rendered contents. Creative Designer.

Web App & Web Developer.

At abeyjoe, we specialize in creative website design. Our team of experts will help you create a unique online presence that stands out from the crowd!

  • Freelance: Available
  • Business Hours: 24/7
  • City: Lagos, Nigeria

Find out all the contact details you need to get in touch with us at abeyjoe. We're here to help answer any questions or queries about our office address and more!

Technical Skills

VueJS, NodeJS, Vuetify, SPA, Firebase, MySQL, PWA, JavaScript, Ractive, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, UI Kit, Bootstrap, LMS, Python, Tailwind, Naive UI, Dubbuging, MDBootstrap, BootstrapVue, Vue Material, Semantic UI, PHP, MySQL, RESTful API, CMS, WordPress, jQuery, Git, Github, Hosting, NPM, SMTP JS, JSON, Vuex, Webpack, ESLint, UI/UX, Github, Windows, Linux, VSCode, Internet Research.

Work Experience

With over 6 years of experience in software engineering, I've been able to contribute to various open source projects for more on my experiences download and review a copy of my resume in PDF version.

Project Demo

Below are web applications I've collaborated on, both as a team member and the sole engineer.

Bosun-Crown Electrical Contractor

Bosun-Crown Electrical Contractor is a certified professional in all kinds of electrical installation and maintainance of various home appliances. This project was developed with HTML, CSS & Bootstrap. © 2023.

Todo List

Todo list application suitable for daily use & activities. With this web app, users can note down plans for the day either personal or business related. This system is configured to enable users to Create, Update, Delete TODOs, & Successfully checklist completed task. Some benefits this app provides are local starage medium and can store unlimited TODOs list. This project was developed wit VueJS.

Javascript Calculator
Javascript Calculator

This online calculator was my second SIWESS project at Originatorstech back then in september, 2020. This basic javascript calculator made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript Only.

Weathr Forcasting App
Weather Forcasting App

Weather forcasting system is made with web app capable of detecting the exact temperature degree of any location (state or country) aound the globe in degree celcious. This project was developed with VueJS and NodeJS.


Let's Connect!

Thank you for making it down to this section of my portfolio. If you can, I'll like us to connect. You can reach me via the following.


Opp. Block 219, Jakande Estate, Lekki, Lagos 101245.
